Tales from the Billabong

When they reached the grass, they saw a beautiful red animal bouncing high into the sky.

Kangaroo"Hello!", said the Creature. "That's a lovely bounce you have!"

"Why, thank you", said the animal. "My name is Marlu and I'm a kangaroo. Bouncing is the only way to travel!"

"It looks like fun", said the Creature. "I want to try!" They all tried bouncing around in the grass. The Creature bounced quite high, and when he landed, he hit the ground with a mighty *THUMP!

"That wasn't too bad", said Marlu. "I see that you have long legs like mine."

"So I do", said the Creature. "I wonder if I am a kangaroo."

"You might be!", said Marlu. "Shall we bounce off together?"

"Let's!", answered the Creature.


Where should they go from here?

To the Gully
To the Gully
To the Trees
To the Trees