Tales from the Billabong

In the river, the Creature spied a very fast creature swimming about.

"Hello!", said the Creature. "What are you doing?"

Platypus"Hello!", said the swimmer. "I'm a platypus. My name is Kapi-kapi. I'm building my nest under the water. Soon, I will lay my eggs and when they hatch, the baby platypuses and I will live here by the water. There's nothing I like better than swimming! Who are you?"

"I don't know!", answered the Creature. "I live by the billabong, and I love swimming too, so perhaps I am a platypus!"

"That could be true", said Kapi-kapi. "I will not lay my eggs for a while. Shall I come with you?"

"Please do", answered the Creature.


Where should they go from here?

To the Grass
To the Grass
To the Trees
To the Trees